Careful Focus Pro

User Guide

Careful Focus Pro is an application designed specifically to optimize the moving light focus and lighting design maintenance process. Its goal is to lighten the load of the operator, freeing that person up to move quickly, while minimizing the chance for errors.

Main Window:

The main window is divided into several areas. These can be resized with the sliders identifiable by a small circle.

  • Upper Left Area:
    • The console control settings and status are found here. The check boxes become active when a console connection is made.
    • The console connection status label can be clicked to connect or disconnect from the console.
    • When connected, the command line will be visible here. If the command line is displayed in red, Highlight needs to be enabled on the console. This can be done by right clicking the command line.
    • If 'Control Console’ is checked, the console will react to changes in selected list rows. If 'Follow Console' is checked, CFP will select which ever preset or channel is selected on the console.
    • ‘Control Console’ can be toggled with the ‘C’ key.
    • ‘Follow Console’ can be toggled with the ‘F’ key.
  • Upper Center Area:
    • A clock displays the operating system time and date.
    • The marked done percentage for each priority and overall is displayed here.
    • The Percentage Indicator can be clicked to show the Report Window.
  • Upper Right Area:
    • Displayed here are the show name, show name 2, LD name and show logo. These can be set in the preferences window.
    • The Preferences Window can be shown by clicking in this area.
  • Middle Left Area:
    • Photo displaying the selected preset photo.
      • Click the photo to open the Big Picture Window.
  • Middle Right Area:
    • Photo display with two functions. When a preset is selected in the preset list, the associated show cue is displayed. When a channel is selected in the channel list, the channel photo is displayed.
      • Click the photo to open the Big Picture Window.
  • Lower Left Area:
    • This is the preset list. It displays the information for the imported presets.
      • This area can be activated by clicking a row, hitting the arrow left key and can be toggled into with the 'Tab' key.
      • Clicking the column headers will sort the list. The click will toggle the sort to ascending or descending order. The exception to this rule is the set column. This column sorts based on a user definable list called 'Scene Sort' (which can be found in the View menu) first and then by priority second.
      • The Priority data can be changed by right clicking the priority you wish to change. Multiple rows can be changed by doing so with multiple rows selected.
      • The Set data can be changed by right clicking the set you wish to change. Multiple rows can be changed by doing so with multiple rows selected.
      • A show cue can be viewed in the Cue List Window by double clicking the cue number.
      • The Scene Sort Window can be shown by double clicking a set entry.
      • The search controls can be shown or hidden by using the menu CarefulFocus, Find. While viewing filtered search results, the row backgrounds will be amber as an indication.
      • The Done check box is representative of the done status of all of the channels in the preset. Ticking it will set all the channels contained within that preset to match. Conversely, this box will set itself once all of the channels are set to done. If only some of the channels are set to done, this box will not be checked however the text color will change to orange to indicate that the preset has been started but not finished.
        • It can be changed in several ways. You can click the box to toggle, use the 'D' (for done) key to toggle. You can also use the 'N' (for next) key. See ’N’ Key Workflow below.
  • Lower Right Area:
    • This is the Channel list. It displays information for the channels in the selected preset in the preset list.
      • This area can be activated by clicking a row, hitting the arrow right key and can be toggled into with the 'Tab' key.
      • The list can be navigated by clicking the rows or using the up / down arrow keys.
      • The selected row will jump to the top by using the right arrow key.
      • Clicking the column headers will sort the list. The click will toggle the sort to ascending or descending order.
      • Channel Notes can be changed by right clicking. Several channel notes can be changed at once by right clicking multiple selected rows.
      • A show cue can be viewed in the Cue List Window by double clicking the cue number.
      • A channel can be viewed in the Channel Track Window by double clicking the channel number.
      • The Done check box represents the focused status of the corresponding channel.
        • It can be changed in several ways. You can click the box to toggle, use the 'D' (for done) key to toggle, or use the 'N' (for next) key. The 'N' key marks the channel as done regardless of its previous state and advances the selection to the next channel. If on the last row in the channel list, hitting 'N' will mark as done and switch back to the preset list if all of the channels are marked done. See ’N’ Key Workflow below.

Cue List Window:

This window displays a list of show cues and the associated cue photo. It can be accessed from the View menu or by double clicking a cue number. It can be resized with the slider identifiable by a small circle.

  • Upper Area:
    • When a console connection is active, the 'Follow Show Cue List' can be checked.
      • When Checked, the cue list selection and photo will match the last executed cue on the show cue list, which can be set in preferences.
  • Middle Area:
    • Displays the cue photo for the selected cue in the cue list.
      • Click the photo to open the Big Picture Window.
  • Lower Area:
    • Displays the list of cues and their labels.
      • Clicking the column headers will sort the list. The click will toggle the sort to ascending or descending order.
      • The list can be navigated by clicking the rows or using the up / down arrow keys.

Channel Tracking Window:

This window displays a list of presets that a specific channel is used in. It can be useful for replacing a fixture and checking everything that specific light does. It can be accessed from the View menu or by double clicking a channel number. It can be resized with the slider identifiable by a small circle.

  • Upper Area:
    • Displays general information for this window.
      • The Console Control check box mirrors the one found in the Main Window.
      • The Channel Menu in the center selects and displays the specific channel. It can be clicked or navigated with shift+up or shift+down arrow keys.
  • Middle Area:
    • Displays the preset, channel or cue photo for the selected preset in the channel tracking list.
      • The tabs can be clicked or switched with the left / right arrow keys. Selecting a tab will display that photo.
      • Click the photo to open the Big Picture Window.
  • Lower Area:
    • Displays the list of presets for the selected channel.
      • Clicking the column headers will sort the list. The click will toggle the sort to ascending or descending order. The set column sorts like it does in the main window.
      • The list can be navigated by clicking the rows or using the up / down arrow keys.
      • Double clicking a preset will switch to the that preset in the Main Window.
      • Double clicking a cue will switch to that cue in the Cue List Window.

Scene Sort Window:

This window is used to set the order of the sets (or scenic setups) used when you sort by that column. A common use for this is to order your scenic needs according to when you can get access to them.

  • It can be accessed by the View menu or by double clicking in the Set column.
  • Sets can be rearranged by selecting and dragging them to the desired order.
  • Click Done to apply changes or Cancel to disregard changes.
  • Changes will be seen when sorting the preset list by Set.
  • Don’t forget to save your file after making changes.

Channel Sort Window:

Custom Channel Sort is a feature that lets you define a non-standard sort order for channels in any preset. This can be useful if non sequential channels need to be focused in a specific order.

  • This window can be accessed by the View menu, by right clicking a channel row or by double clicking in the sort row (if visible).
  • Channels can be rearranged by selecting and dragging them to the desired order.
  • The slider at the bottom can be used to increase the row height, making the photos larger.
  • Columns can be resized as well.
  • Click Done to apply changes or Cancel to disregard changes.
  • Don’t forget to save your file after making changes.
  • Once a preset has a Custom Channel Sort applied, the Sort column will appear in the channel list and this sorting method will be used by default.
  • To remove the Custom Sort, access the Channel Sort Window and click Remove Custom Sort.

Global Focus Update Window:

This window is used to globally adjust every preset in the show based on the pan and tilt of the Registration Preset. Here are the steps to use this feature.

  • Enter the Target Channel. (channel you would like to update globally)
  • Enter or change the Reg Preset. (It will be entered automatically from preferences)
  • Click Start. (A console connection will need to be established) This will turn on the channel and put it into the reg preset.
  • On the console, Adjust the pan and tilt of the channel to match the registration mark. As you do this, the new values will be displayed along with the adjustment math.
  • Once aligned, click Commit. Eos will global apply the adjustments to every preset (including the reg preset) in the show. It will then return live and assert the reg preset so you can confirm the operation was successful.
  • Click start at any time to start over.
  • Click Abort to cancel and choose a new channel.
  • When finished, simply close the window.

Report Window:

This window is used to analyze the quantities of presets and channels. Changes to set and priority will be updated here with a refresh,

  • By Priority Tab:
    • Here you can see counts based on each Priority. The percent column displays that rows percent of the total. Expanding a row will display subsequent stats for sets contained within that priority. In expanded rows, the precent column shows that sets percentage of the priority.
  • By Set Tab:
    • Here you can see counts based on each Set. The percent column displays that rows percent of the total. Expanding a row will display subsequent stats for priorities contained within that set. In expanded rows, the precent column shows that priorities percentage of the set.

Big Picture Window:

This window displays the photo of whatever the application thinks you are looking at. It will remain on top of all of the other windows. It can be resized and placed anywhere you like. The purpose of this window is to provide a focused view into the task at hand. It has a Heads Up Display which contains overlaid information about the preset, channel or cue you are looking at. At a glance you can see what you are working on and how complete it is. There are three controls in this window.

  • This window can be shown by clicking any photo in any window.
  • This window can be closed or hidden by double clicking within it.
  • It can also be shown and hidden by pressing the ‘B’ key.
  • The Gear Button on the bottom right of the window will show and hide the settings.
  • Heads Up Display check box will enable and disable the overlay text.
  • Text Size Arrows will increase or decrease the size of the text.
  • Text Color Menu allows you to choose yellow, orange, red, green, blue, white or any color you like with the custom option.

Preference Window:

This window is used to view and set the preferences that CFP uses. These preferences are saved with the .cfp file, not the app itself. Accept commits any changes and automatically saves them to the file. Cancel disregards any changes.

  • Console:
    • Console IP Address: The IP address of the primary console. []
    • OSC TCP Port: The OSC TCP port the connection will attempt to me made on. [3032]
    • Use Slip: True or False depending on the OSC format set at the primary console. [False]
    • Eos User: The console user number. [1]
    • Update Macro: Change from 0 to specify a custom update macro that runs in place of the standard update procedure. [0]
    • Focus Cue List: The console cue list where the focus cues reside / will be built. [11]
    • Show Cue List: The console cue list where the main show cues resides. [1]
    • Move Time: The time at which fixture moves happen. [0.5]
    • Registration Preset: The programed registration preset number. [1000]
  • Macro:
    • Eos Macro numbers can be assigned here to trigger CFP events. [701]
  • Show:
    • Show Name: Name of your show.
    • Company Name: Organization of your show.
    • Lighting Designer: Name of the lighting designer.
    • ML Programmer: Name of the lighting programmer.
    • Show Logo: Show logo picture.
  • Priority Info:
    • Priority [1-6] Name: Choose a display name for each priority.
    • Priority [1-6] Color: Choose a background display color for each priority.

Most menus can only be accessed when the Main Window is active.

  • CarefulFocusPro {Mac OS only}
    • Preferences…
      • Shows Preference Window
    • About CFP
      • Shows Application About Screen
    • Quit
      • Exits the application
  • File
    • Open File…
      • Choose the CFP file to load
    • Save
      • Saves changes made to the current file.
      • (checks, priorities, settings, notes, etc. . .)
    • Preferences… {Window only}
      • Shows Preference Window
    • Quit {Window only}
      • Exits the application
  • Edit
    • Select All
      • Selects all rows in the active list
  • View
    • Channel Track
      • Shows the Channel Tracking Window
    • Cue List
      • Shows the Cue List Window
    • Scene Sort
      • Shows the Scene Sort Window
    • Channel Sort
      • Shows the Custom Channel Sort Window
    • Global Focus Update
      • Shows the Global Focus Update Window
    • Report
      • Shows the (count) Report Window
    • Big Picture Window
      • Shows the Big Picture Window
    • Enter Full Screen (Mac OS only)
      • Enters Mac OS Full Screen Mode
  • Careful
    • Find
      • When called, the search controls appear below the preset list
    • Done
      • Toggles the state of the done check box at the selected row
      • Same function as the 'D' key
  • Console
    • Connect TCP
      • Attempts to form a connection to the console
    • Disconnect TCP
      • Disconnects from the console
    • Build Focus Cue List…
      • Builds the focus list needed for console control
      • More on this below
  • Help
    • About CFP {Window only}
      • Shows Application About Screen
    • User Guide
      • Shows you this here document

Console Connection Procedure:

Here are some common steps to connect to and focus with an ETC Eos console.


  • Primary Eos console shell, Network tab, Interface Protocols:
    • Take note of the 'IP Address' setting
    • Enable 'UDP Strings & OSC'
    • Set OSC to 'TCP format for OSC 1.0'
  • Click Accept and log back in as Primary:

  • In Eos Setup, System, Show Control, OSC:
    • Set 'OSC RX' and 'OSC TX' to Enabled
    • Set 'OSC TCP Server Ports' to Empty (blank)
  • In Careful Focus Pro, Preferences:
    • Set 'consoleIP' to the noted IP address of the primary console. No spaces
    • Set 'tcpPort' to 3032 if not already set. No spaces
    • Set 'useSlip' to False
    • Set 'eosUser' to the Eos user of the console we will be using
    • Set 'updateMacro' to 0 unless you want to use a custom update macro*
    • Set 'focusCueList' to the Eos cue list that CFP will use: For this, choose a cue list number that is not already in use by your show.
    • Set 'showCueList' to the Eos cue list that contains the main show cues for your production
    • Click Accept to commit the changes
  • In the Careful Focus Pro main window:
    • Click the File menu, Save, to save those changes to the file

    • Click the Console menu, Connect TCP to connect to the console (alternatively, you could click the 'console not connected' text)
      • The text should turn green and display your connection status
      • The command line should appear below the status
      • The 'Console Control' box should become enabled
    • Check the 'Console Control' check box

    • Click the Console menu, Build Focus Cue List option

    • Read this dialogue carefully and do a save on the Eos

    • When Eos is done saving, click Build in the dialogue
      • This should construct the needed cue list in the console
      • You should be able to see this happening on the Eos screen
    • When finished, save your console show and this step won’t be needed again

  • *Custom Update Macro (optional):
    • If you want to override the way CFP updates, enter a console macro number in the 'updateMacro' preference.
    • In this console macro, it’s advised to leave the command unterminated (no enter at the end).
    • The dialogue box that appears in CFP when the update procedure is run will send the final enter command.
    • It’s probably a good idea to put this macro in foreground mode.

In the Careful Focus Pro main window:

When the console is connected and the Console Control check box is checked, the console will follow your actions in CFP.

  • When you select a preset in the preset list, the console will go to the matching focus cue, showing all the fixtures.
  • When you select a channel in the channel list, the console will select that channel with the remaining channels in the background. As such, Highlight must me set up and enabled on the Eos:
    • In Eos Settings, User, Manual Control:
      • Assign a 'Highlight' and 'Lowlight' Preset
      • Recommended Highlight preset has all channels at full in open white
      • Recommended Lowlight preset has all channels at full in a dark color
  • In CFP if the command line is red, Highlight is not enabled. Click the command line, then the Turn On Highlight option that appears. You are now ready to start focusing.
  • Sort the preset list in a suitable manner.
    • Sorting by Set is useful because you can specify the Scenic Order in the View Menu or by double clicking a set. It will subsequently sort by priority then preset.
  • Click the first preset you’d like to focus. CFP will show you the photo and the console will take you there.
  • Keyboard arrow right to the first channel. (Or press the 'N' key.)
    • Focus that channel on the console.
  • Press the 'N' key and CFP will mark the channel done and call up the next channel.
    • Repeat Focus, 'N' until you have finished all the channels.
  • Once you hit 'N' on the last channel, CFP will automatically select the preset and no channels will be highlighted.
  • This is a good indication that you should update the changes you made to the channels on the console.
    • **Make sure that your update defaults are set properly in Eos if updating manually.
    • At this point, the 'N' key will run the console update procedure ('Enter' key to confirm) and then automatically advance to the next preset.
    • If you use the 'U' key, the update procedure will be run ('Enter' key to confirm) without the automatic advancement.
  • Once updated, Arrow down to the next preset and repeat until finished. (If 'N' was used this happens automatically.)

'N' (Next) Key Workflow:

The 'N' key is a powerful utility and is designed to be used repetitively. Here is the conceived flow and description. Each step is a 'N' key press.

Starting with the preset list sorted properly and the starting preset selected.

  1. First channel is selected. (User focuses channel per photo)
  2. Focused channel is marked Done and next channel is selected. (user focuses channel per photo) Step 2 is repeated until the last channel.
  3. Selection is changed to the preset list, showing all of the focused channels. If not all channels are marked done, nothing happens here.
  4. The update procedure is run. User confirms by presses the 'Enter' key to complete or 'Escape' key to cancel. If the 'Enter' key was pressed, the preset selection is advanced
  5. Loop back to Step 1 and repeat.

Using this flow, the focuser can move through the focus call only using two keys and the console encoders. If the console is not connected, the N key works similarly without regard for updating.


  • Keep in mind that while the 'Control Console’ is checked, the console will go to a cue every time you change the selection in the preset list.

  • Control Console can be toggled with the ‘C’ key.

  • While focusing channels if you need to see all the channels together, you can use the arrow left / right keys to toggle between all channels and the one you are working on safely.

  • You may prefer to use the 'Big Picture Window' which can be shown by clicking any photo or pressing the ‘B’ key.

  • The keyboard key 'D' will mark a channel or preset to done without advancing the selection.

  • The keyboard key 'U' will initiate the console update procedure. Details can be found in the Preferences section.

  • Don’t forget to save in CFP before closing the program or all of your done checks, notes, priorities and scenic assignments will not be saved.

  • A good way to clear out all checks is to 'Select All' in the Preset List and click a box or press 'D'

**Moving Light Assistant™ is a trademark owned by Andrew Voller Lighting Design Limited.